Source code for diluvian.third_party.multi_gpu

"""Parallelize training a Keras model across multiple GPUs.

Originally by Alex Kouzemtchenko, taken from:

License: Apache
from keras import backend as K
from keras.layers.core import Lambda
from keras.layers.merge import concatenate
from keras.models import Model

import tensorflow as tf

[docs]def make_parallel(model, gpu_count): def get_slice(data, idx, parts): # Adapted from: # sh = K.shape(data) L = sh[0] / parts if idx == parts - 1: return data[idx*L:] return data[idx*L:(idx+1)*L] outputs_all = [] for i in range(len(model.outputs)): outputs_all.append([]) #Place a copy of the model on each GPU, each getting a slice of the batch for i in range(gpu_count): with tf.device('/gpu:%d' % i): with tf.name_scope('tower_%d' % i) as scope: inputs = [] #Slice each input into a piece for processing on this GPU for x in model.inputs: input_shape = tuple(x.get_shape().as_list())[1:] slice_n = Lambda(get_slice, output_shape=input_shape, arguments={'idx':i,'parts':gpu_count})(x) inputs.append(slice_n) outputs = model(inputs) if not isinstance(outputs, list): outputs = [outputs] #Save all the outputs for merging back together later for l in range(len(outputs)): outputs_all[l].append(outputs[l]) # merge outputs on CPU with tf.device('/cpu:0'): merged = [] for outputs in outputs_all: merged.append(concatenate(outputs, axis=0)) # From new_model = Model(inputs=model.inputs, outputs=merged) func_type = type( # monkeypatch the save to save just the underlying model def new_save(_, *args, **kwargs):*args, **kwargs) = func_type(new_save, new_model) return new_model