Source code for diluvian.config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Global configuration objects.

This module contains boilerplate configuration objects for storing and loading
configuration state.

from __future__ import division

import os

import numpy as np
import pytoml as toml
import six

[docs]class BaseConfig(object): """Base class for configuration objects. String representation yields TOML that should parse back to a dictionary that will initialize the same configuration object. """ def __str__(self): sanitized = {} for k, v in six.iteritems(self.__dict__): if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): sanitized[k] = v.tolist() else: sanitized[k] = v return toml.dumps(sanitized) __repr__ = __str__
[docs]class VolumeConfig(BaseConfig): """Configuration for the use of volumes. Attributes ---------- resolution : sequence or ndarray of float Resolution to which volumes will be downsampled before processing. label_downsampling : str Method for downsampling label masks. One of 'majority' or 'conjunction'. """ def __init__(self, settings): self.resolution = np.array(settings.get('resolution', [1, 1, 1])) self.label_downsampling = str(settings.get('label_downsampling', 'majority'))
[docs]class ModelConfig(BaseConfig): """Configuration for non-network aspects of the flood filling model. Attributes ---------- input_fov_shape : sequence or ndarray of int Input field of view shape in voxels for each flood filling move. output_fov_shape : sequence or ndarray of int Output field of view shape in voxels for each flood filling move. Can not be larger than ``input_fov_shape``. output_fov_move_fraction : int Move size as a fraction of the output field of view shape. v_true, v_false : float Soft target values for in-object and out-of-object mask voxels, respectively. t_move : float Threshold mask probability in the move check plane to queue a move to that position. t_final : float, optional Threshold mask probability to produce the final segmentation. Defaults to ``t_move``. move_check_thickness : int Thickness of move check plane in voxels. Setting this greater than 1 is useful to make moves more robust even if the move grid aligns with missing sections or image artifacts. move_priority : str How to prioritize the move queue. Either 'descending' to order by descending mask probability in the move check plane (default), 'proximity' to prioritize moves minimizing L1 path distance from the seed, or 'random'. move_recheck : bool If true, when moves are retrieved from the queue a cube in the probability mask will be checked around the move location. If no voxels in this cube are greater than the move threshold, the move will be skipped. The cube size is one move step in each direction. training_subv_shape : sequence or ndarray of int, optional Shape of the subvolumes used during moving training. validation_subv_shape : sequence or ndarray of int, optional Shape of the subvolumes used during training validation. """ def __init__(self, settings): self.input_fov_shape = np.array(settings.get('input_fov_shape', [17, 33, 33])) self.output_fov_shape = np.array(settings.get('output_fov_shape', [17, 33, 33])) self.output_fov_move_fraction = int(settings.get('output_fov_move_fraction', 4)) self.v_true = float(settings.get('v_true', 0.95)) self.v_false = float(settings.get('v_false', 0.05)) self.t_move = float(settings.get('t_move', 0.9)) self.t_final = float(settings.get('t_final', self.t_move)) self.move_check_thickness = int(settings.get('move_check_thickness', 1)) self.move_priority = str(settings.get('move_priority', 'descending')) self.move_recheck = bool(settings.get('move_recheck', True)) self.training_subv_shape = np.array(settings.get('training_subv_shape', self.input_fov_shape + self.move_step * 2)) self.validation_subv_shape = np.array(settings.get('validation_subv_shape', self.input_fov_shape + self.move_step * 4)) @property def move_step(self): return (self.output_fov_shape - 1) // self.output_fov_move_fraction
[docs] def subv_moves(self, shape): return - self.input_fov_shape) // self.move_step + 1)
@property def training_subv_moves(self): return self.subv_moves(self.training_subv_shape) @property def validation_subv_moves(self): return self.subv_moves(self.validation_subv_shape)
[docs]class NetworkConfig(BaseConfig): """Configuration for the flood filling network architecture. Attributes ---------- factory : str Module and function name for a factory method for creating the flood filling network. This allows a custom architecture to be provided without needing to modify diluvian. transpose : bool If true, any loaded networks will reverse the order of axes for both inputs and outputs. Data is assumed to be ZYX row-major, but old versions of diluvian used XYZ, so this is necessary to load old networks. rescale_image : bool If true, rescale the input image intensity from [0, 1) to [-1, 1). num_modules : int Number of convolution modules to use, each module consisting of a skip link in parallel with ``num_layers_per_module`` convolution layers. num_layers_per_module : int Number of layers to use in each organizational module, e.g., the number of convolution layers in each convolution module or the number of convolution layers before and after each down- and up-sampling respectively in a U-Net level. convolution_dim : sequence or ndarray of int Shape of the convolution for each layer. convolution_filters : int Number of convolution filters for each layer. convolution_activation : str Name of the Keras activation function to apply after convolution layers. convolution_padding : str Name of the padding mode for convolutions, either 'same' (default) or 'valid'. initialization : str Name of the Keras initialization function to use for weight initialization of all layers. output_activation : str Name of the Keras activation function to use for the final network output. dropout_probability : float Probability for dropout layers. If zero, no dropout layers will be included. batch_normalization : bool Whether to apply batch normalization. Note that in included networks normalization is applied after activation, rather than before as in the original paper, because this is now more common practice. unet_depth : int For U-Net models, the total number of downsampled levels in the network. unet_downsample_rate : sequence or ndarray of int The frequency in levels to downsample each axis. For example, a standard U-Net downsamples all axes at each level, so this value would be all ones. If data is anisotropic and Z should only be downsampled every other level, this value could be [2, 1, 1]. Axes set to 0 are never downsampled. unet_downsample_mode: string The mode to use for downsampling. The two options are "fixed_rate", which will use the downsample rate previously defined, and "isotropy_approximating", which will downsample on lower resolution axes until the volume is as isotropic as possible. For example given a volume with resolution [40,4,4] and 4 unet layers, would downsample to [40,8,8],[40,16,16],[40,32,32],[80,64,64] resolution: sequence or ndarray of int The resolution of the input image data. This is necessary if you want to use "isotropy_approximating" for ``unet_downsampling_mode`` """ def __init__(self, settings): self.factory = str(settings.get('factory')) self.transpose = bool(settings.get('transpose', False)) self.rescale_image = bool(settings.get('rescale_image', False)) self.num_modules = int(settings.get('num_modules', 8)) self.num_layers_per_module = int(settings.get('num_layers_per_module', 2)) self.convolution_dim = np.array(settings.get('convolution_dim', [3, 3, 3])) self.convolution_filters = int(settings.get('convolution_filters', 32)) self.convolution_activation = str(settings.get('convolution_activation', 'relu')) self.convolution_padding = str(settings.get('convolution_padding', 'same')) self.initialization = str(settings.get('initialization', 'glorot_uniform')) self.output_activation = str(settings.get('output_activation', 'sigmoid')) self.dropout_probability = float(settings.get('dropout_probability', 0.0)) self.batch_normalization = bool(settings.get('batch_normalization', False)) self.unet_depth = int(settings.get('unet_depth', 4)) self.unet_downsample_rate = np.array(settings.get('unet_downsample_rate', [1, 1, 1])) self.unet_downsample_mode = np.array(settings.get("unet_downsample_mode", "fixed_rate")) self.resolution = np.array(settings.get("resolution", [1, 1, 1]))
[docs]class OptimizerConfig(BaseConfig): """Configuration for the network optimizer. Any settings dict entries passed to this initializer will be added as configuration attributes and passed to the optimizer initializer as keyword arguments. Attributes ---------- klass : str Class name of the Keras optimizer to use. loss : str Name of the Keras loss function to use. """ def __init__(self, settings): for k, v in six.iteritems(settings): if k != 'klass' and k != 'loss': setattr(self, k, v) self.klass = str(settings.get('klass', 'SGD')) self.loss = str(settings.get('loss', 'binary_crossentropy'))
[docs]class TrainingConfig(BaseConfig): """Configuration for model training. Attributes ---------- num_gpus : int Number of GPUs to use for data-parallelism. num_workers : int Number of worker queues to use for generating training data. gpu_batch_size : int Per-GPU batch size. The effective batch size will be this times ``num_gpus``. training_size : int Number of samples to use for training **from each volume**. validation_size : int Number of samples to use for validation **from each volume**. total_epochs : int Maximum number of training epochs. reset_generators : bool Reset training generators after each epoch, so that the training examples at each epoch are identical. fill_factor_bins : sequence of float Bin boundaries for filling fractions. If provided, sample loss will be weighted to increase loss contribution from less-frequent bins. Otherwise all samples are weighted equally. partitions : dict Dictionary mapping volume name regexes to a sequence of int indicating number of volume partitions along each axis. Only one axis should be greater than 1. Each volume should match at most one regex. training_partition, validation_partition : dict Dictionaries mapping volume name regexes to a sequence of int indicating index of the partitions to use for training and validation, respectively. Each volume should match at most one regex. validation_metric : dict Module and function name for a metric function taking a true and predicted region mask ('metric'). Boolean of whether to threshold the mask for the metric (true) or use the mask and target probabilities ('threshold'). String 'min' or 'max'for how to choose best validation metric value ('mode'). patience : int Number of epochs after the last minimal validation loss to terminate training. early_abort_epoch : int If provided, training will check at the end of this epoch whether validation loss is less than ``early_abort_loss``. If not, training will be aborted, and may be restarted with a new seed depending on CLI options. By default this is disabled. early_abort_loss : float See ``early_abort_epoch``. label_erosion : sequence or ndarray of int Amount to erode label mask for each training subvolume in each dimension, in pixels. For example, a value of [0, 1, 1] will result in erosion with a structuring element of size [1, 3, 3]. relabel_seed_component : bool Relabel training subvolumes to only include the seeded connected component. augment_validation : bool Whether validation data should also be augmented. augment_use_both : bool Whether to sequentially use both the augmented and unaugmented version of each subvolume. augment_mirrors : sequence of int Axes along which to mirror for data augmentation. augment_permute_axes : sequence of sequence of int Axis permutations to use for data augmentation. augment_missing_data : list of dict List of dictionaries with ``axis`` and ``prob`` keys, indicating an axis to perform data blanking along, and the probability to blank each plane in the axis, respectively. augment_noise : list of dict List of dictionaries with ``axis``, ``mul`` and `add`` keys, indicating an axis to perform independent Gaussian noise augmentation on, and the standard deviations of 1-mean multiplicative and 0-mean additive noise, respectively. augment_contrast : list of dict List of dictionaries with ``axis``, ``prob``, ``scaling_mean``, ``scaling_std``, ``center_mean`` and ``center_std`` keys. These specify the probability to alter the contrast of a section, the mean and standard deviation to draw from a normal distribution to scale contrast, and the mean and standard deviation to draw from a normal distribution to move the intensity center multiplicatively. augment_missing_data : list of dict List of dictionaries with ``axis``, ``prob`` and ``volume_file`` keys, indicating an axis to perform data artifacting along, the probability to add artifacts to each plane in the axis, and the volume configuration file from which to draw artifacts, respectively. """ def __init__(self, settings): self.num_gpus = int(settings.get('num_gpus', 1)) self.num_workers = int(settings.get('num_workers', 4)) self.gpu_batch_size = int(settings.get('gpu_batch_size', 8)) self.batch_size = self.num_gpus * self.gpu_batch_size self.training_size = int(settings.get('training_size', 256)) self.validation_size = int(settings.get('validation_size', 256)) self.total_epochs = int(settings.get('total_epochs', 100)) self.reset_generators = bool(settings.get('reset_generators', False)) self.fill_factor_bins = settings.get('fill_factor_bins', None) if self.fill_factor_bins is not None: self.fill_factor_bins = np.array(self.fill_factor_bins) self.partitions = settings.get('partitions', {'.*': [2, 1, 1]}) self.training_partition = settings.get('training_partition', {'.*': [0, 0, 0]}) self.validation_partition = settings.get('validation_partition', {'.*': [1, 0, 0]}) self.validation_metric = settings.get( 'validation_metric', {'metric': 'diluvian.util.binary_f_score', 'threshold': True, 'mode': 'max', 'args': {'beta': 0.5}}) self.patience = int(np.array(settings.get('patience', 10))) self.early_abort_epoch = settings.get('early_abort_epoch', None) self.early_abort_loss = settings.get('early_abort_loss', None) self.label_erosion = np.array(settings.get('label_erosion', [0, 1, 1]), dtype=np.int64) self.relabel_seed_component = bool(settings.get('relabel_seed_component', False)) self.augment_validation = bool(settings.get('augment_validation', True)) self.augment_use_both = bool(settings.get('augment_use_both', True)) self.augment_mirrors = [int(x) for x in settings.get('augment_mirrors', [0, 1, 2])] self.augment_permute_axes = settings.get('augment_permute_axes', [[0, 2, 1]]) self.augment_missing_data = settings.get('augment_missing_data', [{'axis': 0, 'prob': 0.01}]) self.augment_noise = settings.get('augment_noise', [{'axis': 0, 'mul': 0.1, 'add': 0.1}]) self.augment_contrast = settings.get( 'augment_contrast', [{'axis': 0, 'prob': 0.05, 'scaling_mean': 0.5, 'scaling_std': 0.1, 'center_mean': 1.2, 'center_std': 0.2}]) self.augment_artifacts = settings.get('augment_artifacts', [])
[docs]class PostprocessingConfig(BaseConfig): """Configuration for segmentation processing after flood filling. Attributes ---------- closing_shape : sequence or ndarray of int Shape of the structuring element for morphological closing, in voxels. """ def __init__(self, settings): self.closing_shape = settings.get('closing_shape', None)
[docs]class Config(object): """A complete collection of configuration objects. Attributes ---------- random_seed : int Seed for initializing the Python and NumPy random generators. """ def __init__(self, settings_collection=None): if settings_collection is not None: settings = settings_collection[0].copy() for s in settings_collection: for c in s: if c in settings and isinstance(settings[c], dict): settings[c].update(s[c]) else: settings[c] = s[c] else: settings = {} self.volume = VolumeConfig(settings.get('volume', {})) self.model = ModelConfig(settings.get('model', {})) = NetworkConfig(settings.get('network', {})) self.optimizer = OptimizerConfig(settings.get('optimizer', {})) = TrainingConfig(settings.get('training', {})) self.postprocessing = PostprocessingConfig(settings.get('postprocessing', {})) self.random_seed = int(settings.get('random_seed', 0)) def __str__(self): sanitized = {} for n, c in six.iteritems(self.__dict__): if not isinstance(c, BaseConfig): sanitized[n] = c continue sanitized[n] = {} for k, v in six.iteritems(c.__dict__): if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): sanitized[n][k] = v.tolist() else: sanitized[n][k] = v return toml.dumps(sanitized)
[docs] def from_toml(self, *filenames): """Reinitializes this Config from a list of TOML configuration files. Existing settings are discarded. When multiple files are provided, configuration is overridden by later files in the list. Parameters ---------- filenames : interable of str Filenames of TOML configuration files to load. """ settings = [] for filename in filenames: with open(filename, 'rb') as fin: settings.append(toml.load(fin)) return self.__init__(settings)
[docs] def to_toml(self, filename): with open(filename, 'w') as tomlfile: tomlfile.write(str(self))
CONFIG = Config() CONFIG.from_toml(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'conf', 'default.toml'))