Source code for diluvian.diluvian

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from collections import deque
import itertools
import logging
from multiprocessing import (
import os
import random

import numpy as np
import pytoml as toml
import six
from six.moves import input as raw_input
from tqdm import tqdm

from .config import CONFIG
from . import preprocessing
from .training import augment_subvolume_generator
from .util import (
from .volumes import (
from .regions import Region

[docs]def generate_subvolume_bounds(filename, volumes, num_bounds, sparse=False, moves=None): if '{volume}' not in filename: raise ValueError('CSV filename must contain "{volume}" for volume name replacement.') if moves is None: moves = 5 else: moves = np.asarray(moves) subv_shape = CONFIG.model.input_fov_shape + CONFIG.model.move_step * 2 * moves if sparse: gen_kwargs = {'sparse_margin': subv_shape} else: gen_kwargs = {'shape': subv_shape} for k, v in six.iteritems(volumes): bounds = v.downsample(CONFIG.volume.resolution)\ .subvolume_bounds_generator(**gen_kwargs) bounds = itertools.islice(bounds, num_bounds) SubvolumeBounds.iterable_to_csv(bounds, filename.format(volume=k))
[docs]def fill_volume_with_model( model_file, volume, resume_prediction=None, checkpoint_filename=None, checkpoint_label_interval=20, seed_generator='sobel', background_label_id=0, bias=True, move_batch_size=1, max_moves=None, max_bodies=None,, worker_prequeue=1, filter_seeds_by_mask=True, reject_non_seed_components=True, reject_early_termination=False, remask_interval=None, shuffle_seeds=True): subvolume = volume.get_subvolume(SubvolumeBounds(start=np.zeros(3, dtype=np.int64), stop=volume.shape)) # Create an output label volume. if resume_prediction is None: prediction = np.full_like(subvolume.image, background_label_id, dtype=np.uint64) label_id = 0 else: if resume_prediction.shape != subvolume.image.shape: raise ValueError('Resume volume prediction is wrong shape.') prediction = resume_prediction prediction.flags.writeable = True label_id = prediction.max() # Create a conflict count volume that tracks locations where segmented # bodies overlap. For now the first body takes precedence in the # predicted labels. conflict_count = np.full_like(prediction, 0, dtype=np.uint32) def worker(worker_id, set_devices, model_file, image, seeds, results, lock, revoked): lock.acquire() import tensorflow as tf if set_devices: # Only make one GPU visible to Tensorflow so that it does not allocate # all available memory on all devices. # See: os.environ['CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER'] = 'PCI_BUS_ID' os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(worker_id) with tf.device('/gpu:0'): # Late import to avoid Keras import until TF bindings are set. from .network import load_model logging.debug('Worker %s: loading model', worker_id) model = load_model(model_file, lock.release() def is_revoked(test_seed): ret = False lock.acquire() if tuple(test_seed) in revoked: ret = True revoked.remove(tuple(test_seed)) lock.release() return ret while True: seed = seeds.get(True) if not isinstance(seed, np.ndarray): logging.debug('Worker %s: got DONE', worker_id) break if is_revoked(seed): results.put((seed, None)) continue def stopping_callback(region): stop = is_revoked(seed) if reject_non_seed_components and \ region.bias_against_merge and \ region.mask[tuple(region.seed_vox)] < 0.5: stop = True return stop logging.debug('Worker %s: got seed %s', worker_id, np.array_str(seed)) # Flood-fill and get resulting mask. # Allow reading outside the image volume bounds to allow segmentation # to fill all the way to the boundary. region = Region(image, seed_vox=seed, sparse_mask=True, block_padding='reflect') region.bias_against_merge = bias early_termination = False try: model, move_batch_size=move_batch_size, max_moves=max_moves, progress=2 + worker_id, stopping_callback=stopping_callback, remask_interval=remask_interval)) except Region.EarlyFillTermination: early_termination = True except StopIteration: pass if reject_early_termination and early_termination: body = None else: body = region.to_body() logging.debug('Worker %s: seed %s filled', worker_id, np.array_str(seed)) results.put((seed, body)) # Generate seeds from volume. generator = preprocessing.SEED_GENERATORS[seed_generator] seeds = generator(subvolume.image, CONFIG.volume.resolution) if filter_seeds_by_mask and volume.mask_data is not None: seeds = [s for s in seeds if volume.mask_data[tuple(volume.world_coord_to_local(s))]] pbar = tqdm(desc='Seed queue', total=len(seeds), miniters=1, smoothing=0.0) label_pbar = tqdm(desc='Labeled vox', total=prediction.size, miniters=1, smoothing=0.0, position=1) num_seeds = len(seeds) if shuffle_seeds: random.shuffle(seeds) seeds = iter(seeds) manager = Manager() # Queue of seeds to be picked up by workers. seed_queue = manager.Queue() # Queue of results from workers. results_queue = manager.Queue() # Dequeue of seeds that were put in seed_queue but have not yet been # combined by the main process. dispatched_seeds = deque() # Seeds that were placed in seed_queue but subsequently covered by other # results before their results have been processed. This allows workers to # abort working on these seeds by checking this list. revoked_seeds = manager.list() # Results that have been received by the main process but have not yet # been combined because they were not received in the dispatch order. unordered_results = {} def queue_next_seed(): total = 0 for seed in seeds: if prediction[seed[0], seed[1], seed[2]] != background_label_id: # This seed has already been filled. total += 1 continue dispatched_seeds.append(seed) seed_queue.put(seed) break return total for _ in range(min(num_seeds, num_workers * worker_prequeue)): processed_seeds = queue_next_seed() pbar.update(processed_seeds) if 'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES' in os.environ: set_devices = False num_workers = 1 logging.warn('Environment variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES is set, so only one worker can be used.\n' 'See') else: set_devices = True workers = [] loading_lock = manager.Lock() for worker_id in range(num_workers): w = Process(target=worker, args=(worker_id, set_devices, model_file, subvolume.image, seed_queue, results_queue, loading_lock, revoked_seeds)) w.start() workers.append(w) last_checkpoint_label = label_id # For each seed, create region, fill, threshold, and merge to output volume. while dispatched_seeds: processed_seeds = 1 expected_seed = dispatched_seeds.popleft() logging.debug('Expecting seed %s', np.array_str(expected_seed)) if tuple(expected_seed) in unordered_results: logging.debug('Expected seed %s is in old results', np.array_str(expected_seed)) seed = expected_seed body = unordered_results[tuple(seed)] del unordered_results[tuple(seed)] else: seed, body = results_queue.get(True) processed_seeds += queue_next_seed() while not np.array_equal(seed, expected_seed): logging.debug('Seed %s is early, stashing', np.array_str(seed)) unordered_results[tuple(seed)] = body seed, body = results_queue.get(True) processed_seeds += queue_next_seed() logging.debug('Processing seed at %s', np.array_str(seed)) pbar.set_description('Seed ' + np.array_str(seed)) pbar.update(processed_seeds) if prediction[seed[0], seed[1], seed[2]] != background_label_id: # This seed has already been filled. logging.debug('Seed (%s) was filled but has been covered in the meantime.', np.array_str(seed)) loading_lock.acquire() if tuple(seed) in revoked_seeds: revoked_seeds.remove(tuple(seed)) loading_lock.release() continue if body is None: logging.debug('Body was None.') continue if reject_non_seed_components and not body.is_seed_in_mask(): logging.debug('Seed (%s) is not in its body.', np.array_str(seed)) continue if reject_non_seed_components: mask, bounds = body.get_seeded_component(CONFIG.postprocessing.closing_shape) else: mask, bounds = body._get_bounded_mask() body_size = np.count_nonzero(mask) if body_size == 0: logging.debug('Body was empty.') continue # Generate a label ID for this region. label_id += 1 if label_id == background_label_id: label_id += 1 logging.debug('Adding body to prediction label volume.') bounds_shape = list(map(slice, bounds[0], bounds[1])) prediction_mask = prediction[bounds_shape] == background_label_id for seed in dispatched_seeds: if np.all(bounds[0] <= seed) and np.all(bounds[1] > seed) and mask[tuple(seed - bounds[0])]: loading_lock.acquire() if tuple(seed) not in revoked_seeds: revoked_seeds.append(tuple(seed)) loading_lock.release() conflict_count[bounds_shape][np.logical_and(np.logical_not(prediction_mask), mask)] += 1 label_shape = np.logical_and(prediction_mask, mask) prediction[bounds_shape][np.logical_and(prediction_mask, mask)] = label_id label_pbar.set_description('Label {}'.format(label_id)) label_pbar.update(np.count_nonzero(label_shape))'Filled seed (%s) with %s voxels labeled %s.', np.array_str(seed), body_size, label_id) if max_bodies and label_id >= max_bodies: # Drain the queues. while not seed_queue.empty(): seed_queue.get_nowait() break if checkpoint_filename is not None and label_id - last_checkpoint_label > checkpoint_label_interval: config = HDF5Volume.write_file( checkpoint_filename + '.hdf5', CONFIG.volume.resolution, label_data=prediction) config['name'] = 'segmentation checkpoint' with open(checkpoint_filename + '.toml', 'wb') as tomlfile: tomlfile.write('# Filling model: {}\n'.format(model_file)) tomlfile.write(str(toml.dumps({'dataset': [config]}))) for _ in range(num_workers): seed_queue.put('DONE') for wid, worker in enumerate(workers): worker.join() manager.shutdown() label_pbar.close() pbar.close() return prediction, conflict_count
[docs]def fill_volumes_with_model( model_file, volumes, filename, resume_filename=None, partition=False, viewer=False, **kwargs): if '{volume}' not in filename: raise ValueError('HDF5 filename must contain "{volume}" for volume name replacement.') if resume_filename is not None and '{volume}' not in resume_filename: raise ValueError('TOML resume filename must contain "{volume}" for volume name replacement.') if partition: _, volumes = partition_volumes(volumes) for volume_name, volume in six.iteritems(volumes):'Filling volume %s...', volume_name) volume = volume.downsample(CONFIG.volume.resolution) if resume_filename is not None: resume_volume_filename = resume_filename.format(volume=volume_name) resume_volume = resume_prediction = resume_volume.to_memory_volume().label_data else: resume_prediction = None volume_filename = filename.format(volume=volume_name) checkpoint_filename = volume_filename + '_checkpoint' prediction, conflict_count = fill_volume_with_model( model_file, volume, resume_prediction=resume_prediction, checkpoint_filename=checkpoint_filename, **kwargs) config = HDF5Volume.write_file( volume_filename + '.hdf5', CONFIG.volume.resolution, label_data=prediction) config['name'] = volume_name + ' segmentation' with open(volume_filename + '.toml', 'wb') as tomlfile: tomlfile.write('# Filling model: {}\n'.format(model_file)) tomlfile.write('# Filling kwargs: {}\n'.format(str(kwargs))) tomlfile.write(str(toml.dumps({'dataset': [config]}))) if viewer: viewer = WrappedViewer(voxel_size=list(np.flipud(CONFIG.volume.resolution))) subvolume = volume.get_subvolume(SubvolumeBounds(start=np.zeros(3, dtype=np.int64), stop=volume.shape)) viewer.add(subvolume.image, name='Image') viewer.add(prediction, name='Labels') viewer.add(conflict_count, name='Conflicts') viewer.print_view_prompt()
[docs]def fill_region_with_model( model_file, volumes=None, partition=False, augment=False, bounds_input_file=None, bias=True, move_batch_size=1, max_moves=None, remask_interval=None, sparse=False, moves=None): # Late import to avoid Keras import until TF bindings are set. from .network import load_model if volumes is None: raise ValueError('Volumes must be provided.') if partition: _, volumes = partition_volumes(volumes) if bounds_input_file is not None: gen_kwargs = { k: {'bounds_generator': iter(SubvolumeBounds.iterable_from_csv(bounds_input_file.format(volume=k)))} for k in volumes.iterkeys()} else: if moves is None: moves = 5 else: moves = np.asarray(moves) subv_shape = CONFIG.model.input_fov_shape + CONFIG.model.move_step * 2 * moves if sparse: gen_kwargs = { k: {'sparse_margin': subv_shape} for k in volumes.iterkeys()} else: gen_kwargs = { k: {'shape': subv_shape} for k in volumes.iterkeys()} subvolumes = [ v.downsample(CONFIG.volume.resolution) .subvolume_generator(**gen_kwargs[k]) for k, v in six.iteritems(volumes)] if augment: subvolumes = map(augment_subvolume_generator, subvolumes) regions = Roundrobin(*[Region.from_subvolume_generator(v, block_padding='reflect') for v in subvolumes]) model = load_model(model_file, for region in regions: region.bias_against_merge = bias try: model, progress=True, move_batch_size=move_batch_size, max_moves=max_moves, remask_interval=remask_interval)) except (StopIteration, Region.EarlyFillTermination): pass body = region.to_body() viewer = region.get_viewer() try: mask, bounds = body.get_seeded_component(CONFIG.postprocessing.closing_shape) viewer.add(mask.astype(np.float32), name='Body Mask', offset=bounds[0], shader=get_color_shader(2)) except ValueError:'Seed not in body.') print(viewer) while True: s = raw_input('Press Enter to continue, ' 'v to open in browser, ' 'a to export animation, ' 'r to 3D render body, ' 'q to quit...') if s == 'q': return elif s == 'a': region_copy = region.unfilled_copy() # Must assign the animation to a variable so that it is not GCed. ani = region_copy.fill_animation( # noqa 'export.mp4', model, progress=True, move_batch_size=move_batch_size, max_moves=max_moves, remask_interval=remask_interval) s = raw_input("Press Enter when animation is complete...") elif s == 'r': region.render_body() elif s == 'ra': region_copy = region.unfilled_copy() region_copy.fill_render( model, progress=True, move_batch_size=move_batch_size, max_moves=max_moves, remask_interval=remask_interval) elif s == 's': body.to_swc('{}.swc'.format('_'.join(map(str, tuple(body.seed))))) elif s == 'v': viewer.open_in_browser() else: break
[docs]def evaluate_volume( volumes, gt_name, pred_name, partition=False, border_threshold=None, use_gt_mask=True, relabel=False): # TODO: This is very intrusive into Volumes and should be refactored to # handle much of the partioned access and resampling there. import cremi if partition: _, volumes = partition_volumes(volumes, downsample=False) def labels_to_cremi(v): label_data = v.label_data.copy() if hasattr(v, 'bounds'): label_data = label_data[list(map(slice, list(v.bounds[0]), list(v.bounds[1])))] volume = cremi.Volume(label_data, resolution=v.resolution) return volume gt_vol = volumes[gt_name] pred_vol = volumes[pred_name]'GT shape: %s\t Prediction shape:%s', gt_vol.shape, pred_vol.shape) pred_upsample = gt_vol._get_downsample_from_resolution(pred_vol.resolution) if np.any(pred_upsample > 0): scale = np.exp2(pred_upsample).astype(np.int64) logging.warn('Segmentation is different resolution than groundtruth. Upsampling by %s.', scale) pred_data = pred_vol.label_data if hasattr(pred_vol, 'bounds'): pred_data = pred_data[list(map(slice, list(pred_vol.bounds[0]), list(pred_vol.bounds[1])))] orig_shape = pred_data.shape pred_data = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(pred_data, [b for a in zip(orig_shape, scale) for b in a], [b for a in zip(pred_data.strides, [0, 0, 0]) for b in a]) new_shape = np.array(orig_shape) * scale pred_data = pred_data.reshape(list(new_shape)) padding = np.array(gt_vol.shape) - new_shape if np.any(padding > 0): logging.warn('Padding segmentation (%s) to be groundtruth size (%s)', new_shape, gt_vol.shape) pred_data = np.pad(pred_data, zip([0, 0, 0], list(padding)), 'edge') pred = cremi.Volume(pred_data, resolution=gt_vol.resolution) else: pred = labels_to_cremi(pred_vol) gt = labels_to_cremi(gt_vol) # Some augmented CREMI volumes have not just a uint64 -1 as background, but # several large values. Set these all to background to avoid breaking # coo_matrix.[ > np.uint64(-10)] = np.uint64(-1) background_label_id = 0[ > np.uint64(-10)] = background_label_id if use_gt_mask and gt_vol.mask_data is not None: logging.warn('Groundtruth has a mask channel that will be applied to segmentation.') mask_data = gt_vol.mask_data if hasattr(gt_vol, 'bounds'): mask_data = mask_data[list(map(slice, list(gt_vol.bounds[0]), list(gt_vol.bounds[1])))] if relabel: mask_exiting_bodies = np.unique([np.logical_not(mask_data)])[np.logical_not(mask_data)] = background_label_id if relabel: from skimage import morphology pred_copy = np.zeros_like( exiting_bodies_mask = np.isin(, mask_exiting_bodies) pred_copy[exiting_bodies_mask] =[exiting_bodies_mask] new_pred = morphology.label(pred_copy, background=background_label_id, connectivity=2)[exiting_bodies_mask] = new_pred[exiting_bodies_mask] gt_neuron_ids = cremi.evaluation.NeuronIds(gt, border_threshold=border_threshold) (voi_split, voi_merge) = gt_neuron_ids.voi(pred) adapted_rand = gt_neuron_ids.adapted_rand(pred) print('VOI split :', voi_split) print('VOI merge :', voi_merge) print('Adapted Rand-index:', adapted_rand) print('CREMI :', np.sqrt((voi_split + voi_merge) * adapted_rand))
[docs]def view_volumes(volumes, partition=False): """Display a set of volumes together in a neuroglancer viewer. Parameters ---------- volumes : dict Dictionary mapping volume name to diluvian.volumes.Volume. partition : bool If true, partition the volumes and put the view origin at the validaiton partition origin. """ if partition: _, volumes = partition_volumes(volumes, downsample=False) viewer = WrappedViewer() for volume_name, volume in six.iteritems(volumes): resolution = list(np.flipud(volume.resolution)) offset = getattr(volume, 'bounds', [np.zeros(3, dtype=np.int32)])[0] offset = np.flipud(-offset) viewer.add(volume.image_data, name='{} (Image)'.format(volume_name), voxel_size=resolution, voxel_offset=offset) if volume.label_data is not None: viewer.add(volume.label_data, name='{} (Labels)'.format(volume_name), voxel_size=resolution, voxel_offset=offset) if volume.mask_data is not None: viewer.add(volume.mask_data, name='{} (Mask)'.format(volume_name), voxel_size=resolution, voxel_offset=offset) viewer.print_view_prompt()