Source code for diluvian.octrees

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Simple octree data structures for block sparse 3D arrays."""

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np

[docs]class OctreeVolume(object): """Octree-backed block sparse 3D array. This is a trivial implementation of an octree with NumPy ndarray leaves for block sparse volume access. This allows oblivious in-memory access of dense regions spanning out-of-memory volumes by providing read leaves via a populator. For writing, the octree supports uniform value terminal nodes at every level, so that only non-uniform data must be written to leaf level. Parameters ---------- leaf_shape : tuple of int or ndarray Shape of tree leaves in voxels. bounds : tuple of tuple of int or ndarray The lower and upper coordinate bounds of the volume, in voxels. dtype : populator : function, optional A function taking a tuple of ndarray bounds for the coordinates of the subvolume to populate and returning the data for that subvolume. """ def __init__(self, leaf_shape, bounds, dtype, populator=None): self.leaf_shape = np.asarray(leaf_shape).astype(np.int64) self.bounds = (np.asarray(bounds[0], dtype=np.int64), np.asarray(bounds[1], dtype=np.int64)) self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype) self.populator = populator ceil_bounds = self.leaf_shape * \ np.exp2(np.ceil(np.log2((self.bounds[1] - self.bounds[0]) / self.leaf_shape.astype(np.float64)))).astype(np.int64).max() self.root_node = BranchNode(self, (self.bounds[0], self.bounds[0] + ceil_bounds), clip_bound=self.bounds[1]) @property def shape(self): return tuple(self.root_node.get_size())
[docs] def get_checked_np_key(self, key): # Special exception for [:] for uniform assignment. if isinstance(key, slice) and key.start is None and key.stop is None: return self.bounds if not hasattr(key, '__len__') or len(key) != 3: raise IndexError('Octrees may only be indexed in 3 dimensions') # Convert keys to two numpy arrays for ease. npkey = (np.zeros(3, dtype=np.int64), np.zeros(3, dtype=np.int64)) for i, k in enumerate(key): if isinstance(k, slice): if k.step is not None: raise IndexError('Octrees do not yet support step slicing') npkey[0][i] = k.start if k.start is not None else self.bounds[0][i] npkey[1][i] = k.stop if k.stop is not None else self.bounds[1][i] else: npkey[0][i] = k npkey[1][i] = k + 1 if np.any(np.less(npkey[0], self.bounds[0])) or \ np.any(np.greater(npkey[1], self.bounds[1])) or \ np.any(np.greater_equal(npkey[0], npkey[1])): raise IndexError('Invalid indices: outside bounds or empty interval: ' '{} (bounds {})'.format(str(key), str(self.bounds))) return npkey
def __getitem__(self, key): npkey = self.get_checked_np_key(key) return self.root_node[npkey] def __setitem__(self, key, value): npkey = self.get_checked_np_key(key) self.root_node[npkey] = value
[docs] def iter_leaves(self): """Iterator over all non-uniform leaf nodes. Yields ------ LeafNode """ for leaf in self.root_node.iter_leaves(): yield leaf
[docs] def get_leaf_bounds(self): bounds = [np.array(self.bounds[1]), np.array(self.bounds[0])] for leaf in self.iter_leaves(): bounds[0] = np.minimum(bounds[0], leaf.bounds[0]) bounds[1] = np.maximum(bounds[1], leaf.bounds[1]) bounds[0] = np.maximum(bounds[0], self.bounds[0]) bounds[1] = np.minimum(bounds[1], self.bounds[1]) return bounds
[docs] def map_copy(self, dtype, leaf_map, uniform_map): """Create a copy of this octree by mapping node data. Note that because leaves and uniform nodes can have separate mapping, the ranges of this tree and the copied tree may not be bijective. Populators are not copied. Parameters ---------- dtype : Data type for the constructed copy leaf_map : function Function mapping leaf node data for the constructed copy. uniform_map : function Function mapping uniform node values. Returns ------- OctreeVolume Copied octree with the same structure as this octree. """ copy = OctreeVolume(self.leaf_shape, self.bounds, dtype) copy.root_node = self.root_node.map_copy(copy, leaf_map, uniform_map) return copy
[docs] def fullness(self): potential_leaves =[1] - self.bounds[0], self.leaf_shape))) return self.root_node.count_leaves() / float(potential_leaves)
[docs] def get_volume(self): return self
[docs] def replace_child(self, child, replacement): if child != self.root_node: raise ValueError('Attempt to replace unknown child') self.root_node = replacement
[docs]class Node(object): def __init__(self, parent, bounds, clip_bound=None): self.parent = parent self.bounds = (bounds[0].copy(), bounds[1].copy()) self.clip_bound = clip_bound
[docs] def count_leaves(self): return 0
[docs] def get_intersection(self, key): return (np.maximum(self.bounds[0], key[0]), np.minimum(self.bounds[1], key[1]))
[docs] def get_size(self): if self.clip_bound is not None: return self.clip_bound - self.bounds[0] return self.bounds[1] - self.bounds[0]
[docs] def get_volume(self): return self.parent.get_volume()
[docs] def replace(self, replacement): self.parent.replace_child(self, replacement) self.parent = None
[docs]class BranchNode(Node): def __init__(self, parent, bounds, **kwargs): super(BranchNode, self).__init__(parent, bounds, **kwargs) self.midpoint = (self.bounds[1] + self.bounds[0]) // 2 self.children = [[[None for _ in range(2)] for _ in range(2)] for _ in range(2)]
[docs] def count_leaves(self): return sum(c.count_leaves() for s in self.children for r in s for c in r if c is not None)
[docs] def iter_leaves(self): for i in range(2): for j in range(2): for k in range(2): child = self.children[i][j][k] if child is None or isinstance(child, UniformNode): continue for leaf in child.iter_leaves(): yield leaf
[docs] def map_copy(self, copy_parent, leaf_map, uniform_map): copy = BranchNode(copy_parent, self.bounds, clip_bound=self.clip_bound) for i in range(2): for j in range(2): for k in range(2): child = self.children[i][j][k] if child is None: copy.children[i][j][k] = None else: copy.children[i][j][k] = child.map_copy(copy, leaf_map, uniform_map) return copy
[docs] def get_children_mask(self, key): p = (np.less(key[0], self.midpoint), np.greater(key[1], self.midpoint)) # TODO must be some way to do combinatorial ops like this with numpy. return list(zip(*np.where([[[p[i][0] and p[j][1] and p[k][2] for k in range(2)] for j in range(2)] for i in range(2)])))
[docs] def get_child_bounds(self, i, j, k): mins = (self.bounds[0], self.midpoint) maxs = (self.midpoint, self.bounds[1]) child_bounds = (np.array((mins[i][0], mins[j][1], mins[k][2])), np.array((maxs[i][0], maxs[j][1], maxs[k][2]))) if self.clip_bound is not None: clip_bound = np.minimum(child_bounds[1], self.clip_bound) if np.array_equal(clip_bound, child_bounds[1]): clip_bound = None else: clip_bound = None return (child_bounds, clip_bound)
def __getitem__(self, key): inds = self.get_children_mask(key) for i, j, k in inds: if self.children[i][j][k] is None: self.populate_child(i, j, k) if len(inds) == 1: i, j, k = inds[0] return self.children[i][j][k][key] chunk = np.empty(tuple(key[1] - key[0]), self.get_volume().dtype) for i, j, k in inds: child = self.children[i][j][k] subchunk = child.get_intersection(key) ind = (subchunk[0] - key[0], subchunk[1] - key[0]) chunk[ind[0][0]:ind[1][0], ind[0][1]:ind[1][1], ind[0][2]:ind[1][2]] = child[subchunk] return chunk def __setitem__(self, key, value): if (not hasattr(value, '__len__') or len(value) == 1) and \ np.array_equal(key[0], self.bounds[0]) and \ np.array_equal(key[1], self.clip_bound): self.replace(UniformBranchNode(self.parent, self.bounds, self.get_volume().dtype, value, clip_bound=self.clip_bound)) return inds = self.get_children_mask(key) for i, j, k in inds: if self.children[i][j][k] is None: self.populate_child(i, j, k) for i, j, k in inds: child = self.children[i][j][k] subchunk = child.get_intersection(key) ind = (subchunk[0] - key[0], subchunk[1] - key[0]) if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): child[subchunk] = value[ind[0][0]:ind[1][0], ind[0][1]:ind[1][1], ind[0][2]:ind[1][2]] else: child[subchunk] = value
[docs] def populate_child(self, i, j, k): volume = self.get_volume() if volume.populator is None: raise ValueError('Attempt to retrieve unpopulated region without octree populator') child_bounds, child_clip_bound = self.get_child_bounds(i, j, k) child_shape = child_bounds[1] - child_bounds[0] if np.any(np.less_equal(child_shape, volume.leaf_shape)): populator_bounds = [child_bounds[0].copy(), child_bounds[1].copy()] if child_clip_bound is not None: populator_bounds[1] = np.minimum(populator_bounds[1], child_clip_bound) data = volume.populator(populator_bounds).astype(volume.dtype) child = LeafNode(self, child_bounds, data) else: child = BranchNode(self, child_bounds, clip_bound=child_clip_bound) self.children[i][j][k] = child
[docs] def replace_child(self, child, replacement): for i in range(2): for j in range(2): for k in range(2): if child == self.children[i][j][k]: self.children[i][j][k] = replacement return raise ValueError('Attempt to replace unknown child')
[docs]class LeafNode(Node): def __init__(self, parent, bounds, data): super(LeafNode, self).__init__(parent, bounds) = data.copy()
[docs] def count_leaves(self): return 1
[docs] def iter_leaves(self): yield self
[docs] def map_copy(self, copy_parent, leaf_map, uniform_map): copy = LeafNode(copy_parent, self.bounds, leaf_map( return copy
def __getitem__(self, key): ind = (key[0] - self.bounds[0], key[1] - self.bounds[0]) return[ind[0][0]:ind[1][0], ind[0][1]:ind[1][1], ind[0][2]:ind[1][2]] def __setitem__(self, key, value): ind = (key[0] - self.bounds[0], key[1] - self.bounds[0])[ind[0][0]:ind[1][0], ind[0][1]:ind[1][1], ind[0][2]:ind[1][2]] = value
[docs]class UniformNode(Node): def __init__(self, parent, bounds, dtype, value, **kwargs): super(UniformNode, self).__init__(parent, bounds, **kwargs) self.value = value self.dtype = dtype def __getitem__(self, key): return np.full(tuple(key[1] - key[0]), self.value, dtype=self.dtype)
[docs] def map_copy(self, copy_parent, leaf_map, uniform_map): copy = type(self)(copy_parent, self.bounds, copy_parent.get_volume().dtype, uniform_map(self.value), clip_bound=self.clip_bound) return copy
[docs]class UniformBranchNode(UniformNode): def __setitem__(self, key, value): replacement = BranchNode(self.parent, self.bounds, clip_bound=self.clip_bound) volume = self.get_volume() for i in range(2): for j in range(2): for k in range(2): child_bounds, child_clip_bound = replacement.get_child_bounds(i, j, k) # If this child is entirely outside the clip bounds, it will never be accessed # or populated and thus can be omitted. if child_clip_bound is not None and np.any(np.greater_equal(child_bounds[0], child_clip_bound)): continue child_shape = child_bounds[1] - child_bounds[0] if np.any(np.less_equal(child_shape, volume.leaf_shape)): child = UniformLeafNode(replacement, child_bounds, self.dtype, self.value) else: child = UniformBranchNode(replacement, child_bounds, self.dtype, self.value, clip_bound=child_clip_bound) replacement.children[i][j][k] = child self.replace(replacement) replacement[key] = value
[docs]class UniformLeafNode(UniformNode): def __setitem__(self, key, value): replacement = LeafNode(self.parent, self.bounds, self[self.bounds]) self.replace(replacement) replacement[key] = value
[docs] def count_leaves(self): return 1